More on the “M”

Again we welcome you to our humble online/spiritual abode.

Often what this world considers the least, God considers great in His eyes and by this example, our humble group was born.

The history and foundation of our small group has an all to familiar beginning with great adversity. We all were going thru some significant event/s in our life that pushed us towards our simple obedience to fellowship.

Adversity regretfully is the usual common ground that motivates our hunger for fellowship and the local church, however there comes a time where God tests our maturity to see if we can still remain hungry, connected and faithful or of service regardless if circumstances appear to get better or worse.

Now many times we will fail and start over, but there will be times where we move forward. And simply, one cannot truly move forward in life without FORGIVENESS via the Holy Spirit.

“We place so much emphasis on the circumstances in our life, that we often forget what God is doing to our hearts.”

When I write my notes, I write as if I am writing to a very broken person. A person whose world has failed them, a person that has finally lost trust in this world and is ready to place their trust in God.

I keep in mind how broken I was and how broken my blood lines were and ask the Holy Spirit to allow me to place words of encouragement and comfort.

Words that are NOT about LIMITATION, but LIBERATION.

On behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and on behalf of the very least of His brothers and sisters, I once again welcome you.

The “M” may appear to stand for “Mens Ministry” but the wisdom to the “M” is that it is the 13th letter of the alphabet, where 13, biblically represents Christ and God is love.  (12 disciples + Jesus = 13) 1 Corinthians 13:13

It is all about spiritual warfare and what started spiritually must be put to rest spiritually.

Your brother in our war against our sin, not our sins,

Ray Evangelista

Senior Evangelist