Freely Given. 

What I write I always give freely. The passwords are in place to keep what is intimate available to the spiritual mature.

I honor God by not casting these pearls among those that will simply use it as a deposition vs. encouragement and love.

What I write, to say the least is very unique.  Some of it may sound very similar to what others preach, but the difference here is simply the order.  And if it is new to you, then this is a good thing because it is a blessing to have fresh food once in awhile. 

Sadly, the consequence for preaching what is on my heart will always be judgement.

Judgement that many will not see me practice what I preach. But that is okay because I don’t mind carrying the same cross that Jesus carried and if He that had NO sin, was accused of sin, then I surely do not stand a chance! Lol

But those that judge will never understand what we preach. And what we preach is grace.  Grace meaning that God will choose the least of us to speak truth. Its undeserving and no pre-holiness required, just faith. 

Freedom changes things and making people pay for their “sins” will never change them, look at our prison system! It doesn’t work. 

But go and show someone love and grace and forgiveness like what Jesus did and see how this same love changed the world. 

“You can only steal from God so many times before you realize that the door to His wealth was left open intentionally.”

Have a blessed Son-day everyone,
Brotherly love,


Today’s 13th Reminder of God’s love.

1 Peter 3:9 NLT (1+3+9=13)

“Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it.”

1 Peter 3:9 NLT (1+3+9=13)

“Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it.”

In accordance to “The Law” both what is written on tablets and what is written in my heart, I now can see that I truly deserve far worse than what I have received by God and others. It is obvious that I have fallen way short of everyones expectation of me, including God.

But because of Calvary, my burdens here on earth was made very light and my yoke made very easy because of the grace and love of God and others.

I often feel like a spoiled child, and can relate to a “millennial” kid lol. But as a parent, I hope some can see that I spoil my kids also.

But the truth is that we all enjoy blessing our kids whether they are deserving or not. Through good times and bad, we do our best to keep them smiling and thriving irregardless if they appreciate it or not.

Because one day, we all will mature and will look back and see NOT how our parents spoiled us, but instead, how they “loved” us. 

“Placing our faith in God first simply prepares our hearts for the knowledge of good and evil that is to come.” -MMA

Have a blessed day and weekend everyone in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, amen. 

Brotherly love, 
